如果有一个计算来帮助您确定哪些列表会浪费您的时间呢? 如果这种计算也可以指导你与卖家就上市协议的合理期限进行对话,那会怎么样呢? 如果你能与买家和卖家分享计算结果,帮助他们理解为什么他们心目中的价格可能无法帮助他们获得接受的报价或出售房屋呢?

这个计算, which provides insights into real estate supply and demand, is one you’ve likely heard mentioned frequently. It’s called months of inventory, and it’s not just for economists.

How you can use months of inventory

You may be used to seeing months of inventory 报告ed for your MLS, 你的城市, 甚至是整个州. While interesting, you probably can’t effectively use that information. 毕竟,2021十大正规彩票app是地方性的.

But you can figure out the months of inventory for a ZIP code, 市场区域, 地理农场, 一个社区, 价格范围, 一种财产, or any other market criteria you define.

Once armed with the months-of-inventory number, you will have an excellent indicator of whether that area, 属性类型, or price range is currently in a buyer’s market, 卖方市场, 或者平衡市场.

这些信息, 结合其他数据, 提供您可以用于与潜在客户和客户进行更有效的2021十大正规彩票app讨论的上下文.

What does months of inventory tell you?

月库存指数计算的是,如果销售继续保持过去12个月的平均水平,目前市场上所有房屋需要多长时间才能售出. The calculation assumes that no new homes come on the market.


你可以通过你的MLS或其他程序或应用程序来计算一个细分市场的月库存. If not, figuring out months of inventory on your own is not complicated.

例如, 如果目前有53套待售房屋,过去12个月售出188套房屋, the calculation looks like this:

Months of Inventory calculation example 1


1. Figure out the average number of sales per month over the last 12 months. Using the numbers from the example above:

Months of inventory calculation example 2

2. 通过将活跃房源的总数除以房源的平均值来计算房源的月份

Months of inventory calculation example 3

No matter which method you use to calculate months of inventory, what it tells you in this example is that it would take 3.如果销售速度保持在过去12个月的平均水平,目前市场上的53套房屋需要4个月才能售出.

Figuring months of inventory for other time periods

根据过去一年的平均月销售额来计算月份的库存是很常见的, because that takes seasonal sales fluctuations into account. But you can figure out months of inventory based on other time periods. 如果市场在不到12个月前发生了重大变化——可能是一场自然灾害,或者附近的一个新开发项目开始出售房屋——你可能会选择使用较短的时间框架.

To base the formula on average sales over the last six months, 例如, you would adjust the formula as follows:


What’s the mark of a buyer’s or seller’s market?

According to the experts at the Real Estate Center at Texas A&6至6个半月的库存表明市场处于平衡状态. Numbers lower than six months represent 卖方市场, while numbers higher than six-and-a-half months signify a buyer’s market. The further away from six months the months-of-inventory number is, the more pronounced that buyer’s or seller’s market is likely to be.


Months of inventory across Texas

尽管对于较小的细分市场来说,月度库存可能是最有帮助的, 该统计数据提供了对全州大都市统计区域的供需情况的见解.

Here are months of inventory numbers 报告ed in the association’s 20172021十大正规彩票app年回顾 报告.

德州: 3.1个月的库存

Markets with lowest months of inventory




Markets with the highest months of inventory




了解几个月的库存情况——以及其他市场信息——可以帮助你与卖家协商是否接受房源. Suppose you’re meeting with a prospect whose home is worth $415,以公司为基准 and other information you’ve gathered. The seller is adamant about asking $450,000.

你算出了那个社区几个月的房屋库存,价格在400美元之间,000美元和475美元,000是15个月, 但是卖家告诉你,一个住在城里的朋友在一个星期内以全价卖掉了她的房子. 原来,朋友的家不仅在不同的地理区域,而且价格范围也低得多.

When you do the calculations for the friend’s neighborhood and price range, you learn the months of inventory is only 2.5个月. 如果你解释卖方的房子的市场和朋友的房子的市场有多大的不同, and the seller still won’t budge from his ambitious asking price, you might decide you don’t want that listing

另一方面, consider the same seller who wants to ask $450,一套价值415美元的房子,以公司为基准. In this scenario, though, you learn there is 1.9 months of inventory for four-bedroom, three-bath homes like the seller’s in that neighborhood and price range. You can still have a conversation about asking price with that prospect, but you may be more willing to spend your time on that listing.

了解一个细分市场的库存月数可以影响你的讨论和决定你愿意签署的上市协议的长度. 库存月数越高,短期上市协议就越不可能足够.

当与买家合作时, 讨论库存月份以及待售天数等数据可以帮助您解释需要多快做出决策. 统计数据还可以帮助你的买家了解某些类型的报价是否有很好的接受机会.

有很多数据可以分析,以帮助你和你的客户更好地了解2021十大正规彩票app市场. 几个月的库存提供了一个衡量供需的关键指标,你可以用它来做得更聪明, 更明智的决定.