米奇·乔西亚喜欢宠坏她以前的客户. With 85% of her business coming from referrals, Cioccia, broker for Mickie C. 和凯蒂的公司地产, wants to keep past clients happy and recommending her to their friends and family.

Because she has found leads from past-client referrals to be so valuable, 任何与她或她的团队一起购买或出售房屋的客户都会被邀请成为米奇房屋俱乐部的成员.

“We give them something of value every month in the mail,” Cioccia says. That could be lottery tickets, flowers, event tickets, or edible treats. 什么到达门口的米奇之家俱乐部的成员随着季节和假期的变化, Cioccia通过在线客户关系管理(CRM)软件全程跟踪.

“We always tell them we appreciate their business, 即使是很多年前的事了, 我们喜欢推荐,她说。.

While Cioccia chooses to focus her energy on referrals from past clients, 你可以从许多不同的来源获得线索, 比如你的网站, 广告, 社交媒体, 以及付费的潜在客户服务. But how do you organize your leads for the best return on your time and resources?

Get to know your leads, then choose your technology

2021十大正规彩票app是关于人的. Get to know who your leads are, what makes them tick, and what their needs are. 然后, 您将准备为您选择合适的客户关系管理软件或技术解决方案, 比如Follow Up Boss, Salesforce.com, RealtyJuggler, Zoho, another CRM tool, or a system you create for yourself. 找到一个你想要的工作方式.


“你过去的客户就是你的钻石,戴夫·劳伦斯说, Follow Up Boss的增长主管, 一家专门从事2021十大正规彩票app的CRM公司. They’ve already trusted you enough to do business with you or give you a referral, 劳伦斯说, so they’re the most important contacts in your database and should be treated as such.

呼应了乔西亚的策略, 劳伦斯说,更多的努力和对这些线索的投资通常会产生更高的投资回报.

这意味着在他们生日那天给他们打个电话, not an automated generic happy birthday email with animated candles on it,他说. 在此基础上,只需关注他们离采取行动还有多远,并采取相应的跟进行动.”


2021十大正规彩票app教练布莱恩·艾森豪威尔强调,如果你从Zillow等服务上购买了线索, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人.com或trulia——许多网站的每条线索的价格在50到250美元之间——你需要立即给这些人留下深刻印象. Once that person puts her information online saying she’s interested in a house, 你得赶紧给她打电话, 他说.

“If you get back to those people in five minutes, then you will absolutely know if they want to have your call,艾森豪威尔说. “他们要么回答,要么无视它.”


Anyone who visits your company or personal website, 查看您的列表, and ultimately sends you contact information is valuable in some capacity, 劳伦斯说. Even if that person has a good experience on your website but never talks to you, 她很有可能会告诉市场上的其他买家或卖家来看看你的网站.

这些类型的线索也可能来自查看你个人或公司Facebook页面的人, LinkedIn的资料, 或者其他社交媒体平台. “几乎所有这些线索都是住在你当地市场的真实的人,他们的朋友和家人都在购买, 出售, 租房子,劳伦斯说. “每一次互动都是在你的市场中与他人建立品牌和好感的机会.”


The rise of the internet has created an abundance of leads for agents, 这可能会让人不知所措, 布莱恩·艾森豪威尔说, founder of Icenhower Coaching and Consulting and therealestatetrainer.com.

一个好的, 有希望的线索是任何愿意并准备好找房子的人,以及任何想在一个月到一年半内搬家或出售的人, 根据艾森豪威尔的说法. Organizing leads by how soon they are buying or 出售ing can save you time and effort, 再抓住那些需要你帮助的人. 大多数网络线索都是买家, Icenhower说 (about three-quarters of agents agree in a recent Inman report).

如果你的网站要求潜在客户在浏览列表之前注册并提供一些信息, you might already have a field for when they’re looking to buy or 出售. If you don’t, make a quick call or send an email to the prospect to ask follow-up questions.

很高兴知道: 通常最好先问一下潜在客户,他们是否已经和其他经纪人建立了代理关系,然后再问其他问题. 当你呈现 经纪服务资料 形式可能是提出这个问题的好时机.

然而,在后续跟进时,艾森豪威尔使用助记器LP MAMA来记住要问潜在客户的问题:

  • 地点:他们想搬到哪里?
  • 价格:他们能负担得起?
  • 动机:是什么促使他们行动?
  • Agent: Have they signed a buyer agency agreement with another brokerage?
  • Mortgage: Are they paying cash or will they need a mortgage?
  • Appointment: When can you meet them face to face?


30天内: Whether it’s buying a home or 出售ing, this person wants to move quickly. 把她放在你的客户关系管理和电子邮件营销系统中,制定一个计划来跟进并立即采取行动. 应该包括电子邮件, 邮递, 文本, 一周打两次电话, 帮她找个贷款人预审一下, Icenhower说.

30至90天: 这个群体没有那么紧迫. Your phone calls can be less frequent with maybe one every week or two. You may also send them a mailer or occasional text message.

90天至6个月:Give them a phone call every three to four weeks. 找出他们的动机, 准确时间框架, 他们正在寻找的位置, 价格区间, 以及潜在的抵押贷款选择.

6个月至1年半: 他们不着急. 每两个月给他们打个电话,偶尔给他们发个短信,让他们参加一个自动滴注式营销活动(见侧栏).

今天的CRM系统提供了许多选择,而不仅仅是一个名字和电子邮件地址的数据库, 劳伦斯说. 他说,他的公司专注于简单和快速,这使得忙碌的座席更容易使用. “你可以用这些工具来为你的潜在客户评分或向他们发送自动广告活动,劳伦斯说. “But until you’ve got a good foundation for how you’ll run your personalized, 人类的后续, 它甚至不值得看一眼.

“本周要想办法在上周的基础上,多和五个人建立联系,增加价值,而不是试着和一个人交谈,000人同时用同样的方式,他说. “结果会随之而来.”

The Do’s and Don’ts of Organizing Your Drip Campaign

A drip campaign is an effective tool to help build your business, 戴夫·劳伦斯说, Follow Up Boss的增长主管.

滴营销, 这取决于你的客户关系管理的能力, involves delivering content at specified intervals through automated emails, 短信, 或通过Facebook或其他平台发送信息. The intent is to keep your name and company top of mind through a steady drip of content.


Automated drip campaigns help you start conversations with your leads, 劳伦斯说.


When deciding which leads get put into a drip campaign and what the first steps are, 劳伦斯遵循以下几条规则:

  • Internet leads should be added automatically to your CRM. 分配该线索的代理应该立即收到通知,以便他或她可以立即致电. If it’s a lead from a portal like Zillow or 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人.com, 你只需要发一条简单的短信,附上个性化的介绍,询问什么时候打电话最好.
  • Referrals generally shouldn’t be put in a stock drip campaign. They’re far too valuable for anything but personal communication, 劳伦斯说. 你应该尊重推荐他们的人,马上打电话介绍你自己,了解他们的时间表以及他们所处的阶段, then make your expert recommendations based on that.
  • 考虑铅的来源. 在你网站上注册的人, 例如, 通过谷歌按点击付费广告或Facebook广告的引导到达那里的人应该得到一个更温和的信息, since that person likely is earlier in the buying or 出售ing process. 发一条短信说你收到了他或她在你的网站上注册的通知,并随时浏览可用的房屋或与你联系,询问有关2021十大正规彩票app或你网站上可用的工具的问题. 然后 ask a simple question, like, “Do you already live in the area?”